Marleys Working Bee (24th Feb 2024)

Keen bunch met at the club at 8:30am to help clear our poles and remains of our antenna to enable the commercial teams to work on their own gear. The photos below show the damage to the poles feeders and antennas. What’s left of our central supply for the mains to the hut New bare...

Fire at Marleys Hill repeater site

Last night the fire can be seen approaching the repeater sites at Marleys Hill image a around midnight 14th February. Photos from the fireground 10am by the fire crews, note plaese keep away as it is not safe to go anywhere near this location. From this photo you can see the north pole is no...

Club Boxing Day BBQ

The Boxing day BBQ with be held at the clubrooms on the 26th December 2023 from midday onwards.Quality Peter Timbs meat will be supplied by the club.Please bring a salad or desert to share with others Mike ZL3TMB will burn the meat hopefully to perfection again this year.

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