June commenced with the NZART Annual Conference in Rotorua. I had a very busy Saturday morning collecting the Rothschild Trophy for the Branch with the most exam passes, then a certificate and Icom handheld for Mathew ZL3COG for the best youth exam mark, and finally the NZART Amateur of Year Trophy on behalf of Kelvin...
Category: News
Jock White Memorial Field Day Contest – February 2017
Some say there are three certainties in life; Death, Taxes and Jock White Field Day. February came around yet again and the team cobbled the gear together for the weekend exercise. Due to a SAREX we were one down on the number of AREC vans available, so we chose to have both stations in under...
Repeater Work – January 2017
On Friday 13th Jan 2017 team of seven people (Rory ZL3HB, Rob ZL3RX, Rod ZL3ROD, Mike Zl3TMB, Morrie ZL3RP, Steve ZL2UCX and myself ZL4FZ) spent a day at Herbert. We met at Diamond Harbour at 0830 and finished around 1630. We have replaced the mounts with a 48mmOD water pipe, reinstated the original whip antenna...
NZART Amateur of the Year – Kelvin Barnsdale ZL3KB – 2016
Christchurch Branch nominated Kelvin Barnsdale ZL3KB as NZART Amateur of the Year for 2016. During the past year Kelvin participated in the following activities: In addition, Kelvin has been one of the stalwarts of the weekly “Activities and Study Night”. We now have between 30 and 40 members regularly dropping in to the clubrooms every...