50MHz Beam Antenna – August 2020

The club built a kitset 4 Element 50ohm Yagi with 2.2m Boom.Based on a DK7ZB design https://www.qsl.net/dk7zb/6m/428-breit.htm (bottom of page) Medium bandwidth, high gain design with a gain of 6.8dBd and F/B ratio of lSdB Design will be built with 25mm/lin square boom, with 9.35mm/¾in elements. Elements will have 12.7mm / ½in centre sections for strength to attach to boom.

The kit cost $90 – 105 and, includes all aluminium tubing (cut to length and drilled), element mounts,Stainless nuts, bolts and Jubilee clips, feedpoint enclosure. The kit had to be pick up from the clubrooms. It was up to buyers how they attached it to a mast.

A workshop was held around the 10th October 2020 so that members could get help assembling their beams.
Above the finished 50Mhz Beam.
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