Radiotek – August 2019

The latest RadioTek was held on 18 August, and saw a big turnout of students to make the usual selection of radio kits. We hosted six first timers, including two from the last HamCram event who are teachers in real life; so it ended up being “train the trainers”! In total the students numbered fourteen,...

HamCram – July 2019

On the weekend of 27th & 28th July 2019 we held another successful event, where seven prospective hams took part in the weekend course to gain their certificate of competency.. On the Sunday afternoon, they all sat the exam, and we had six passes, with a “promise to return” from the seventh.

VHF Activity Hour – 18th April 2019

As part of HamCram+ evening on Thursday 18th April, the branch ran a VHF Activity Hour. Contacting most of the new HamCrammer in the activity hour had the added bonus of a free Easter Egg!The suggested frequencies were CW 144.050 MHz SSB 144.200 MHz Digital 144.400 MHz AM 145250 MHz FM 146.500 MHz Note that...

Hamcram – April 2019

Another roaring success for the latest HamCram event at Christchurch Amateur Radio Club. All candidates passed, one with 100% and quite a few very close to it. Here are the latest batch of Hamcrammers, just before their exam, all looking confident! In no particular order: Andresito ZL3AMB, Bob ZL3SSS, Hamish ZL3HKR, Alastair ZL3GEE, Andrew ZL3AAM,...

Homebrew Meeting – February 2019

Twelve attendees were privileged to see the substantial amount of “home brew” projects that turned up at Branch05 on the night of Wednesday 27th February 2019. Arthur’s project (ZL3JQ) was created by him some 33 years ago. A double sideband transceiver it puts out about 3 watts max PEP and can do Morse or Voice....

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