NZART Amateur of the Year – Kelvin Barnsdale ZL3KB – 2016

Christchurch Branch nominated Kelvin Barnsdale ZL3KB as NZART Amateur of the Year for 2016.

During the past year Kelvin participated in the following activities:

  1. He was a member of the Organising Committee for the 2016 NZART Conference held in Christchurch. In particular he organised all the forums.
  2. He organised four Radiotek events.
  3. He was one of the five tutors in all three Hamcrams held by the Christchurch Amateur Radio Club. All participants have eventually passed the Amateur Radio Examination ..This event qualified 32 new radio amateurs in 2016.
  4. He was the editor of the Christchurch Amateur Radio Club monthly newsletter – Hamlarks.
  5. He was Technical Editor of Break In.
  6. He was a member of the NZART Exam review panel.
  7. He ran a “quiz” at one of the Christchurch Amateur Radio Club’s monthly meetings.
  8. He was an Exam Supervisor for Christchurch Branch.
  9. He was a member of the Vintage Radio Society that has moved its meetings to the Christchurch Amateur Radio clubrooms.

In addition, Kelvin has been one of the stalwarts of the weekly “Activities and Study Night”. We now have between 30 and 40 members regularly dropping in to the clubrooms every Tuesday night – it has certainly re- vitalized the club. Kelvin was always on hand to mentor members at any club event.

* Congratulations Kelvin; a well-deserved award.

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