Club rooms open from 9am Saturday 28th October, finish up around 3-4pmMore details here
Category: News
East-fest Auction 11:15am 10th September
Auction bids accepted from members of Christchurch Amateur Radio Club and kindred clubsAbsentee bids to by 5pm on day beforeAuction Day
EastFest 2023 9th & 10th September
Venue – Christchurch Amateur Radio Clubrooms 5 Idris Rd FendaltonWe will provide Morning & Afternoon refreshments but no lunches or eveningmeals. However Fendalton Village Centre and Fendalton Mall are both approx 5-10min drive away. The Saturday evening meal will be at the Garden Restaurant 110Marshlands Road, Shirley at 1830. This will be a Buffet Meal,...
Home Brew Focus meeting
This Friday 25th August @ 7:30pmShow and tell your winter projects.Also couple of sugar cube VFO workshops to be scheduled.
Fox hunt this weekend – 27th August 2:15pm
Meet this Sunday (27th August) at 2.15pm for a 2:30 start, Wetlands Grove, off of Anzac Drive, SH74.
Hamcram November 25th – 26th
Looking to get your amateur license?Got a mate that’s interested radio?Contact Tony ZL3TVP
Sugarcube VFO Workshop P2 – July 8th 2023
Another workshop where a group of intrepid local hams will built themselves a Sugarcube VFO. The Sugarcube VFO is a tiny device that can act as a configurable oscillator in radio circuits. Originally designed to be integrated into older radios, the club project included an enclosure, a display, a dial, buttons and SMA connectors so...
Peter Mott ZL3PWM HF support to boat race.
Peter Mott ZL3PWM supporting Golden Globe Boat race.From his remote HF station in West Melton.
Starr ZL3CU Satellites talk notes
It has been significantly revamped from what I had at the talk. One change was putting FM satellites, and the link to a simple but reasonably effective method of receiving SSTV from the ISS, near the beginning of the article. I think this would be of greater interest to many of our members. I would...