EastFest 2023 9th & 10th September

Venue – Christchurch Amateur Radio Clubrooms 5 Idris Rd FendaltonWe will provide Morning & Afternoon refreshments but no lunches or eveningmeals. However Fendalton Village Centre and Fendalton Mall are both approx 5-10min drive away. The Saturday evening meal will be at the Garden Restaurant 110Marshlands Road, Shirley at 1830. This will be a Buffet Meal,...

Sugarcube VFO Workshop P2 – July 8th 2023

Another workshop where a group of intrepid local hams will built themselves a Sugarcube VFO. The Sugarcube VFO is a tiny device that can act as a configurable oscillator in radio circuits. Originally designed to be integrated into older radios, the club project included an enclosure, a display, a dial, buttons and SMA connectors so...

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