Homebrew evening – March 2021

The Sun shone down gloriously on the… yeah well ok it wasn’t quite dark yet, being being only the day after Autumn Equinox and as Daylight Savings Time was still in force, but ok, it was still the half-light of dusk as 17 folks trickled in the door at Christchurch Amateur Radio Club Clubrooms and...

Museum Group – Friday Mornings 2020

Gallant explorers-of-the-museum. All part of a Friday’s morning for some members. Started Friday March 6th 2020 and then every Friday morning at 9.30, break for coffee at 10.30 and finish in time for lunch. The purpose was to catalogue the item in the museum. Many of the items may have a story to tell and...


SOTA – February 2020

10 SOTA activators ascended 10 separate summits on Banks Peninsula. on February 1st for the first ever ZL3 SOTA party. This was no mean effort in the organising well in advance by Geoff, ZL3GA & Mark, ZL3AB both of whom have been guest speakers at the general meetings at Christchurch Amateur Radio clubrooms. We all...

Antenna Measuring Event – February 2021

The room was electric with excitement (well almost !) after the conclusion of the business portion of February’s Branch 05 monthly meeting. Several club members had been like Busy Bees over the Christmas New Year period and constructed Home Brew antennas. The idea was something simple (preferably mountable as a vertical) which would work on...

Jock White Memorial Field Day – 2021

This year’s field day was spread across January 27th and 28th. Many thanks for all the participants who came along to help at JWMFD. Especially those who were new to HF operating but who were willing to give it a go. All in all a good event this year and thoroughly enjoyable. The operators were...

Antenna Measuring & BBQ – January 2021

On 24th January, the club held a combined BBQ and antenna measuring day at Agricultural park. In an adjacent park, the ‘Green radio boy’ ZL3KB had setup a reference ¼ wave vertical on 40m to measure the radiated power from his WW2 man packs. From Rob ZL2IW: We were advised to keep clear of the...

Used Equipment Sale – December 2020

Saturday, 12th December 2020 and time for a diversion from the worries of the world at the branch 05 clubrooms. After two evenings, and one morning of load-in of some of Christchurch’s finest Junque, the doors finally opened at 9am, with a flood of ‘customers’. Overall, around a hundred buyers turned up during the morning...

VHF Field Day Contest – December 2020

After a couple of months planning six hearty souls headed up to the woolshed in Greenwood Reserve, Mt Pleasant for the club’s annual field day contest. We’d decided to cover the same bands as last year namely 6M, 2M & 70cm with the possibility of 23cm added on the Sunday. One of the team pointed...

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